Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hello again

Summer is flying by...It's already July. This month we are going to give another diet the old college try.This time it's YOU on a Diet. I'll let you know how far we make it.My hopes are firmly, quietly optimistic.

When I start school again, I am interested in a style that Joyce Swann used. She schooled her 10 kids 3 hrs a day all year round. They were excellerated and finished school and college at home early. I am not interested in that, but I would like to be totally done w/ school by noon. Working hard for 3 hrs. seems like it could really pay off.we'll see w/ all of the special needs around here! ;)

The GREATEST news ever is that Joe can walk again. I thought I might die from the stress. This weekend I just fell apart and rested.

He is taking on the responsibilities of the children's ministry at church.Our first event was a treasure hunt for the kids. We hid clues at the park and they solved them to find a pinata at the end. Not alot of kids from church came, but we recruited some kids from the park.

I would love to make a blog for the kids' ministry and post pictures and the schedule, but I don't want to just take over! It has been a little hard for me to learn how to work "for" Joe. I am beginning to realize that my job is to list ideas and his job is to actually be the one to make the final plans. Honestly I do not want the pressure of leadership, so it's a good thing! I am getting it!!

I am being pressed and squeezed in many directions, but am all the better for it.


Nicole said...

I am so glad to hear that Joe is doing better. Why not ask Joe if he minds if you run the blog? He can tell you what to write and post and you can be the one who actually does it.

Jennifer Sr. said...

Oh I already said that! lol Now it is up to him to make the decision. I am being a big girl about it. For the most part. ;) I am just growing in all sorts of ways!! :D