Monday, July 7, 2008

How goes the diet...

Well I have been feeling great, not feeling like I want to snack all the time. That said, I am dropping the gluten free effort. It is just undoable at this time. I thought it would be enough to do a few weeks( to see if there is an improvement), but it seems from what I have read on the internet that months is more accurate. I just can't hold everyone off for that long!!

Some of these options are so hard trying to do them on my own w/ no support, just an idea from a website or a book!

Since I feel so good diet-wise, I think I need to stay away from flour as much as possible. I have been eating fruit and brown rice w/ no problems. I always thought fruit gave me cravings, but maybe it is the flour!

Another time. Dairy free was hard and is hard to maintain. But gluten is a whole 'nother ball game. It is hard enough just to keep the family eating "healthy".

The kids are acting like real troopers, weathering an attack. I could just roll my eyes, as we aren't even eating alot of veggies yet. Just replaced the snacks w/ fruits and dont' eat out as much.

They are eating more now for sure! I made several meals this week as I usually have expecting them to last 2 meals(one supper, one lunch) and they were devoured w/ no leftovers!! so that is a nice consequence. I think they were filling up on snacks and picking at the meals. I don't allow them to spend their allowance on junk food anymore. I am sure I will again one day, but for now I am trying to retrain pallettes!

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