Monday, February 11, 2008

Tips for Time4Learning

I have been recommending Time4Learning whenever I hear about someone looking for something new.I read on another homeschool mom's website that she wished she could be the perfect unit study mom, but she never got it done consistently. That is SO ME!! T4L works because it gets done. Daily. It isn't a struggle.

Here are some great tips:

~If you decide to try it for a month, make sure that financially you can continue it after your month is up OR set aside $4 per child so that t4l can hold your account til you are ready to return.Then you don't lose your records. You should still print out your records frequently, however. I have chosen to do it once a month.

However if you can only try it for a month and then you have to totally cancel it, it is doable. It's just more "neat and tidy" to do it the first way I mentioned.

~As wonderful as this program is, there is a learning curve. Don't expect to log in on day one and understand everything completely and have no bumps. It takes about 2 weeks to get it down.

~The forums are excellent. There is a moderator, and I hope t4l compensates her in some way because she is a doll and will just answer any question anyone has!! :)

~Doing school on the computer/internet is not w/out technical issues. T4L is very quick to respond to emails and phone calls. I have been very impressed.

~If you do decide to try a month, you must cancel before your 30 DAYS is up or you will be charged. You can cancel before the date and still have access to lessons and records. Just print your records before you go!

~You can get a month of T4L free by signing up to write a review of it. The review can be positive or negative.

I have chosen to write my own personal views about t4l w/ out compensation.

If you decide to use T4L and want to list me as the person who referred you, just email me (my addy is in my profile)and I will send you my name. When you enroll, you will be asked if someone referred you.

However don't feel that you have to do that, I mention that because someone asked today about it. T4L is really a great homeschool help to me and I share about it in case it might be helpful to someone else. ;)

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