Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We ended our school year on May 8. I just couldn't drag it out any further.

The neighbor that has joined us for the last 2 years will return to school. I am very grateful for that, I feel so worn down. I HOPE being w/ us for 2 school years has helped him.

JD is doing very well on medication. I am looking forward to an appt. for JJ to discuss meds for her. I have an upcoming appt w/ to discuss my meds.

I do not feel sadness, but still suffer from extremely low energy. This is SO NOT my homeschool dream!!! It is frustrating to feel so bad all the time.

It is hard to try to homeschool, diet, clean house, etc. w/ no focus and no energy. I am doing the best I can, but it just feels like it is never good enough.

So you can see why I haven't updated the ol' blog. Not much to report.

Just hangin' in there. :)


Luke Holzmann said...

I'm sorry to hear that. May you get back your energy soon.

Until then, hang in there!


Jennifer Sr. said...